Frequently Asked Questions - ECTs
Can I as an ECT be asked to cover other teachers?
ECTs are subject to the same conditions as other teachers, however you should only be used for cover in exceptional circumstances. You should not be asked to cover in your PPA or ECT time and schools should be mindful of your level of experience and skill.
As an ECT am I subject to a school’s appraisal process?
No, as an ECT you are not subject to a school’s appraisal process, you are only required to complete the Statutory Induction process. You are expected to progress through the pay scale as part of your statutory induction and not in response to a performance appraisal.
What is and what is not included in terms of absence for an ECT?
All absences count including jury service in these circumstances the relevant year of induction must be extended by the aggregate total of days absent if over 30 days in once year, with of exception of statutory maternity leave, statutory paternity leave, shared parental leave, statutory adoption leave, parental bereavement leave, or carer’s leave. If in doubt in the first instance, always consult your school absence policy or speak to your HR department.
Does I need to keep a file of evidence to show how I am meeting the Teachers’ Standards?
No, there is no requirement for you to keep a file of evidence. We would suggest that ECTs do keep a record for themselves of where they can find documents that would evidence them consistently meeting standards over the Induction period. Schools should be mindful of the workload of ECTs, and this should be done in the least burdensome way possible. You should make use of the documents that you regularly use a part of your day-to-day practise. If you do move schools during your Induction period, it will be useful for you to take copies of documents that would provide evidence if asked for by the new school.
If I fail my Induction, can I redo the Induction year?
No, you can’t. If you complete the induction period but fail to meet all standards, you do not lose their QTS, but you cannot legally be employed in a maintained school. You could maybe only work in Academies, free schools or private schools dependent upon each schools’ policies.
Can I take on additional responsibilities during my Induction period?
You should not take on additional responsibilities in Year 1. If the school feel in year 2 you have the strength, capacity, experience and level of skill to start to take on an additional responsibility in Year 2 then we would strongly advise that you shadow a current leader within a role rather than taking complete responsibility.
However again, this would be a discussion you, and the school would need to have. In primary it is common for an ECT to take the lead of a subject. This is fine however the main focus should still be on you meeting the Teachers Standards and ensuring you still have your statutory entitlements. Adding to your workload could put you at risk. Care should be taken to ensure you are not put in a position where you may risk not meeting the standards. By asking you to take on additional responsibilities you may jeopardise your chance of completing your Induction successfully. If you require any additional support, please don’t hesitate to contact the Appropriate Body Lead for further guidance.
What happens if I wish to leave my post/school during induction?
When you leave a post after completing one term or more of your ECT induction the Induction Tutor or headteacher is expected to complete an interim assessment. Ideally, this is expected to take place before you leave your post to ensure that your progress and performance since the last assessment are captured so this can be taken with you and counted towards your induction.
What if I have a concern regarding my induction in my school – What should I do?
Where you have a concern regarding your induction in your school: it is normally expected that you would raise any concerns about your induction with your induction tutor or mentor within school in the first instance. If the matter is not resolved, you may wish to notify Manor Teaching School Hub by contacting Ceri Porter cporter@manorteachingschoolhub.com and we will investigate the issues raised.
Where can I find the latest statutory Induction guidance for the induction of ECTs?
The statutory guidance for the induction of ECTs can be found by clicking here: Induction for early career teachers (England) statutory guidance
Frequently Asked Questions - Induction Tutors and/or Mentors
Can an ECT complete Induction in a school that requires special measures?
No, an ECT cannot be registered to start Induction in a school that requires ‘special measures’. If however, they have already been registered and started induction prior to the school being ‘in special measures’ they can continue.
What happens if a school forgets to register their ECT for Induction?
An ECT should be registered with an Appropriate Body by their Induction Tutor/Head teacher prior to starting at a school and officially starting their induction. Failure to register your ECT before the TRA deadline now known as Record Inductions as an Appropriate Body deadline, may result in the ECT having to start their induction a term later. For example, during the next registration period. (September, January or April). Deadline dates will be communicated in advance by your AB for each term.
What happens if an ECT wishes to complete their induction by working part time?
The period that any ECT must serve for induction is the equivalent of 2 years full time. An ECT must complete a minimum of one full term for that term to contribute towards induction. For example, a part time ECT on a 0.5 contract would serve 4 years of 12 terms, which is equivalent to 2 years full time.
If a part time teacher contract changes at any point, it is important that you notify your Appropriate Body and amend this on ECT manager as this could potentially impact upon the length of time calculated that the ECT needs to serve.
Is an ECT subject to a school’s appraisal process?
No, ECTs are not subject to a school’s appraisal process, they are only required to complete the Statutory Induction process.
ECTs are expected to progress through the pay scale as part of their statutory induction and not in response to a performance appraisal.
Does an ECT need to keep a file of evidence to show how they are meeting the Teachers’ Standards?
No, there is no requirement to keep a file of evidence. We would suggest that ECTs do keep a record for themselves of where they can find documents that would evidence them consistently meeting standards over the Induction period. Schools should be mindful of the workload of ECTs, and this should be done in the least burdensome way possible. ECTs should make use of the documents that they regularly use a part of their day-to-day practise.
If an ECT moves schools during their Induction period, it will be useful for them to take copies of documents that would provide them with evidence if asked for by the new school.
If an ECT fails Induction, can they redo the Induction year?
No, they can’t. If an ECT completes the induction period but fails to meet all standards, they do not lose their QTS, but they cannot legally be employed in a maintained school. They can only work in Academies, free schools or private schools dependent upon each schools’ policies.
Can an ECT take on additional responsibilities during their Induction period?
ECTs should not take on additional responsibilities in Year 1. If the school feel the Year 2 ECT has the strength, capacity, experience and level of skill to start to take on an additional responsibility in Year 2 then we would strongly advise that they shadow a current leader within a role rather than taking complete responsibility.
However again, this would be a discussion the ECT, and the school would need to have. The ECTs main focus should still be on meeting the Teachers Standards and ensuring they still have their statutory entitlements. Adding to an ECTs workload could put them at risk. Care should be taken to ensure ECTs are not put in a position where they may risk not meeting the standards. By asking them to take on additional responsibilities you may jeopardise their chance of completing their Induction successfully.
If you require any additional support, please don’t hesitate to contact the Appropriate Body Lead for further guidance.
Can an ECT’s induction be reduced if they have previous experience?
All ECTs are entitled to a two-year induction programme. Reductions to the length of induction are only granted in exceptional circumstances and are only to be appropriate for ECTs who have significant experience of teaching prior to completing induction.
As set out in the Induction Statutory guidance, in exceptional individual cases, a headteacher or ECT might request a reduced induction period on the basis that the ECT meets the Teachers’ Standards.
This will need to be evidenced through Manor Teaching School hub ‘Application for Reduced Induction’, which is then supported with headteacher sponsorship, an observation and a professional discussion from the Appropriate Body Lead, to decide if reducing the induction period is appropriate for the individual ECT.
Cases are decided on an individual basis, the minimum period that can be counted towards completion of the induction period (for both full-time and part-time ECTs) is continuous employment equivalent to two terms (based on an institution that operates three terms in a school year). As it is important that the ECT is in post long enough to be able to receive sufficient monitoring and feedback and prepare for a fair and reasonable assessment of their performance.
Manor Appropriate Body can therefore reduce the length of the induction period to a minimum of two terms (at our discretion). The ECT must be fully aware what a reduced induction entails and how they will lose their statutory entitlements if a reduced induction is opted for. If you require the documentation, please email cporter@manorteachingschoolhub.com
Can the induction period be extended for an ECT?
If Manor Appropriate Body decides that an ECT’s performance has not satisfactorily met the relevant standards at the end of the two-year ECF induction, after consultation with the school/headteacher, it may be deemed the ECT needs more time to meet the Teachers’ Standards. This may result in an extension to their induction. Each case must be decided on its own merits, but situations where an extension is deemed reasonable could include:
the ECT’s induction period has been disrupted due to a personal crisis, illness, or disability.
the ECT has not received the necessary support during induction.
there is insufficient evidence for an informed decision to be made about whether the ECT’s performance against the Teachers’ Standards is satisfactory.
Failure to successfully complete an induction period will prevent the ECT being employed as a teacher in any school where statutory induction is mandatory and nor are they able to repeat induction.
What happens if an ECT leaves the role during induction?
When an ECT leaves a post after completing one term or more the induction tutor or headteacher is expected to complete an interim assessment. This is expected to take place before the ECT leaves their post to ensure that the ECT’s progress and performance since the last assessment are captured. This is especially important where concerns about progress may have arisen.
Where can I find the latest statutory Induction guidance for the induction of ECTs?
The statutory guidance for the induction of ECTs can be found by clicking here
Induction for early career teachers (England) statutory guidance
How does your school report there is a cause for concern with an ECT?
Contact Ceri Porter the Appropriate Body Lead at the hub for further advice and guidance. Email: cporter@manorteachingschoolhub.com Telephone: 01902 558901
What is the guidance on general absence with ECTs?
The induction period is automatically extended prior to completion when an ECT’s absences per year of induction (or equivalent for part-time teachers) totals 30 days or more (with the exception of statutory maternity leave, statutory paternity leave, shared parental leave, statutory adoption leave, parental bereavement leave, or carer’s leave) In these circumstances the relevant year of induction must be extended by the aggregate total of days absent. If the ECT is unable to serve the extension in the same school, the minimum period of employment of one term or equivalent must be served in a new institution.
What is the guidance for ‘special circumstances’ with regards to absence with ECTs?
ECTs who take statutory maternity leave, statutory paternity leave, statutory adoption leave, shared parental leave, parental bereavement leave or carer’s leave while serving their induction period or serving an extension to their induction period may decide whether their induction period should be extended (or further extended) to reflect the number of days absent for this purpose. Any outstanding assessments should not be made until the ECT returns to work and has had the opportunity to decide whether to extend (or further extend) their induction period, and any such request must be granted.
How to add or amend absence days on submitted or reviewed reports on ECT Manager?
It is possible to retrospectively add or amend absence days on reports that have already been submitted or reviewed without editing the report itself. Go to the ECT's overview page. Scroll down to the Progress Reviews and Assessment section and find the report or time period you want to amend the absence for. Click on the 'Admin' button next to the Progress Review or Assessment. This will take you to the admin page for that Progress Review or Assessment, you can then edit the 'Days absent in this period'. You can also click the 'print' button next to the progress review or assessment you have modified to see the new absence figure shows in the PDF report.
If an ECT chooses not to extend (or further extend) their induction period, their performance will still be assessed against the Teachers’ Standards. It is, therefore, recommended that an ECT in this situation seeks advice before making such a decision.
Are schools able to access Appropriate Body services from providers outside of the geographical area?
Yes. There are no geographical restrictions, but the purpose of Teaching School Hubs is to encourage locality-based working.
Do all ECTs have to have a Progress report for each term?
At the end of each term where a formal assessment is not scheduled, a progress review should be completed. This includes part-time ECTs. Progress reports are required as part of statutory induction in terms 1,2,4 & 5 for all full time Teachers. Part time Teachers are required to have a progress report written in every term except, the term where a formal assessment is completed.
Who is responsible for writing Progress Reports?
The Induction Tutor is responsible for writing all reports. They are the member of staff who is responsible for ensuring ECTs are observed regularly (ideally once a half term by themselves) and their role is to gather the evidence to write the report from other stakeholders (mentors/phase leaders/Heads of Departments and Senior Leadership team)
What should be included in a progress report?
A progress report (terms 1,2,4 and 5) does not need to be written in as much detail as a formal assessment report (terms 3 and 6)
It does, however, need to provide the AB with a clear picture of how the ECT is progressing. At Manor Teaching School Hub we suggest that the Induction Tutor covers the Teachers standards that the ECT has been covering in their ECF programme. An example of this would be in Term 1 – Teacher standards 1,7,2 & 3.
It is good practise to reference evidence within the evaluative statement and schools should be collecting evidence during the whole induction period so that they are well prepared for writing formal assessments.
If the ECT is marked as on track, Induction Tutors should comment on at least three/four strengths and provide a specific example of practice that exemplifies each strength. These should be focused on the Teachers’ Standards.
If the ECT is not on track, the Induction Tutor should state why and list the Teachers’ Standards that are a cause for concern and provide examples to exemplify the evaluative statement and provide the evidence supports that concern.
How do I state that an ECT has had 30 or more days absence or sick leave during the three terms on their report?
As an Induction Tutor on ECT Manager you will be prompted to complete the assessment as normal but after you have updated the absence information on the first page the system will adjust the submission dates according to the number of days absence. For example, if the ECT has had 42 days absence then the assessment dates will be extended by 42 days. Each assessment year is managed separately, so if the ECT has 30 or more days absence in year 1 the first assessment/year is extended. Absences are then reset for the second year.
What if an ECT is absent/left the school and is unable to sign/comment on an interim assessment?
The Induction tutor will complete the report as normal then tick box three that states the ECT is not available comment and sign. The Induction Tutor will then be asked to leave a reason. This will then skip to the section whereby the Induction Tutor and headteacher can sign.
Why are there deadlines set for Progress reviews?
The AB has strict deadlines set by the Teaching Regulation Agency in order to report to the TRA how your ECT is progressing, whether the ECT has passed or failed.
The AB cannot report to the TRA until the Quality Assurers have read and reviewed the ECT reports.
We must also allow time for some reports to be amended by Tutors and then returned to the Appropriate Body.
Please note: Assessment forms submitted after the published deadline may not be reviewed until the beginning of the following term and therefore may delay the completion of the induction period.
Why are some progress reviews and assessments rejected?
Some reports are rejected as they require amendments. Your Quality Assurer from the Appropriate Body who reads the report is required to ensure that all reports meet the minimum standards. Reports may need to be amended for the following reasons: Proof reading may be required, pronouns may be incorrect, spelling, grammar and punctuation may be inaccurate, the amount of detail provided is not sufficient, the evaluative statement does not reflect the grade given, not all of the sections have been completed or developmental targets have not been included. Reports may also be rejected if the ECT is not reflective of their progress.
What should I include in an end of year 1 and final assessment?
Formal assessments are written at the end of Terms 3 and 6. A detailed evaluative statement/short paragraphs should be written for each of the Teacher standards. It is not sufficient to write – ECT has met TS1. Examples coming soon.
What does an Induction Tutor need to do, in terms of reports if an ECT is leaving the school?
If an ECT is leaving at the end of a progress review period, you can change the report to an interim assessment by clicking ‘edit’. Then complete the report as normal.
If they are leaving at the end of an assessment period, the Induction Tutor can mark on the assessment form that the ECT is leaving. Once the report is reviewed by the AB the system will mark the ECT as a leaver automatically.
If an ECT leaves part way through a term (excluding term 1) an interim assessment needs to be completed. You can do this by, clicking ‘edit’ next to the report. The Induction Tutor must remember to alter the FTE figure to indicate what the dates are worth. Then complete the interim assessment. The ECT, Induction Tutor and the headteacher must then sign the report.
What if the ECT does not finish their first term of induction in full?
If the ECT does not complete their first term of induction in full it will not count towards their induction and a report does not need to be completed.
What if the ECT is not making satisfactory progress?
ECTs undertaking induction are exempt from appraisal. Where the induction tutor determines during the progress review that the ECT is not making satisfactory progress against the Teachers’ Standards, they should state this clearly within the progress review record and clearly outline the support plan they have put in place to assist the ECT in getting back on track. The induction tutor is expected to notify the Appropriate Body of this determination and share both the progress review record and support plan for the Appropriate Body to review.
When can an ECT start their induction?
The ECT must be registered with an Appropriate Body before the start of the induction. The start date for induction will be determined by the appropriate body and should be agreed in advance with the headteacher/principal and ECT. The start date for induction should be the date when the ECT’s induction programme formally commences. This may be a different date from when the ECT’s contract starts.
The Appropriate Body is responsible for keeping a record of each ECT it has registered for induction. The AB should also monitor the return of progress review outcomes and assessment reports and contact the institution concerned when these documents have not been submitted or signed on time. Records should state the date an ECT starts a period of employment counting towards induction, how much of the period has been completed, changes in working patterns and any absences. These should be noted when submitting progress review records and on assessment reports at the end of each formal assessment period.
What do we do if an ECT has completed part of their induction period at a previous school or with another Appropriate Body?
If an ECT has completed part of their induction at another school and at a different Appropriate Body on ECT Manager, the Induction Tutor when registering their ECT needs to complete the ‘Previous schools’ section. The following information will be required: Previous school’s name and address, telephone number, name of the previous Appropriate Body, the ECT original start date of induction at their previous school, how many terms they have already completed and number of days absence in year 1/year2.
Once the ‘Previous schools’ section is completed your Appropriate Body will contact your headteacher for their consent to obtain the ECTs previous reports.
If the ECT has completed part of their induction at a previous school but the Appropriate Body remains the same, the new school needs to register the ECT on ECT Manager and their reports will automatically transfer across with the ECT.
Where can I find help and further support on ECT Manager?
Log into your ECT Manager account and click on the red “Help and Support” button in the top right of the screen. Select “Help Centre” where you will find resources to frequently asked questions and support with process and navigation.