Welcome to the Manor Teaching School Hub – proud to have been reaccredited for a second time to serve schools in Wolverhampton, Walsall and South Staffordshire.
The Manor Teaching School Hub is based at Manor Primary School, an Outstanding school in Wolverhampton and the lead school for a growing MAT. We build upon some of the established expertise of schools who were part of the previous Teaching School structure in Walsall and Wolverhampton guaranteeing experience and capacity when delivering the Golden thread.
Golden Thread of
Professional Development
The Department for Education’s (DfE) Teacher Recruitment and Retention Strategy sets out an aspiration that every teacher, at every stage of their career, is supported and encouraged to not just to stay in teaching, but to thrive. The quality of this support also serves to attract more new entrants to the profession, tackling challenges with teacher supply. As school-led centres of excellence for teacher and leadership training, Teaching School Hubs are the national network that achieve this aspiration.
The “golden thread” covers the development journey from initial teacher training, early career support through the stages of school leadership. The aim is to provide all teachers with a planned route for key professional development that is appropriate to career stage, builds upon the best evidence and provides opportunities for implementation in the classroom and school context as they progress.
As a result, schools and trusts will have confidence that all their educators, from early career teachers to leaders of multiple schools, are building and developing their practice from the same evidence-based framework with familiar language and concepts across the whole sector.
Manor Teaching School Hub's vision is to bring inspiration and innovation to every school in South Stafffordshire, Walsall and Wolverhampton, transforming the life chances of young people through our relentless pursuit of excellence in every classroom, through every leaders in every school.
We achieve this through:
Working with a range of trusted delivery partners to provide the very best CPD whilst connecting with schools to meet the development needs of the community we serve.
Building trust through reliability; inclusivity; honesty and commitment to excellence.
Listening to our stakeholders to achieve continuous improvement leading to creative, cutting-edge approaches to evidence-informed CPD.
Ensuring programmes are implementation-focused so that every teacher in every classroom; every leader in every school in our learning community is as good as they can be.

I am honoured to serve as the Director of the Manor Teaching School Hub, dedicated to fostering educational excellence across South Staffordshire, Walsall, and Wolverhampton Schools.
At Manor Primary School, we hold the proud distinction of being designated as an Outstanding institution and the pioneering sponsor of Manor Multi Academy Trust, now stewarding nine primary schools. Our mission is steadfast: to ensure every child receives an unparalleled education, steeped in nurture, inspiration, and the pursuit of academic excellence.
For over a decade, we have been at the forefront of educational innovation, shaping the landscape of professional development through evidence-informed practices. Supported by partners such as Matrix Academy Trust, South Staffordshire Learning Partnership, Mercian Trust, and St Bartholomew’s MAT, we deliver evidence-informed programmes which form the golden thread of CPD.
Collaborating closely with Ambition Institute, local Maths Hubs, Research Schools, Computing Hub, English Hub and Science Learning Centre, we are committed to connecting educators to the very best of local CPD giving them the tools and knowledge necessary to transform lives.
Lou Wedge
Director of Manor Teaching School Hub